Looking To Recruit For Your HVAC Contractor Union? Tips That Can Help Your Staffing Union
If your HVAC Contractor Union has more union jobs available than you have members to fill those jobs, you may be looking to recruit people to join your union. Unfortunately, though, you may be unsure of how to do that. Here are a few tips that can help you with HVAC contractor union recruitment.
Offer Apprenticeship And Training Programs
One of the ways that you can recruit for your contractor's union is to offer apprenticeship and training programs through the union. This can help you to get both new individuals who are looking to get their foot in the door working in the HVAC industry and trained individuals who are looking to brush up on their HVAC skills or expand their HVAC skills. Offering training and apprenticeship program can also help your union show people who are looking for HVAC contractors that the contractors who are a part of union possess the skill set that is needed thanks to your training programs.
Conduct Your Own Job Fair
Another way to recruit for your HVAC contractor union is to conduct your own job fair or participate in local job fairs. At a job fair, people are looking for a career. They may come over to your booth and give you the opportunity to tell them why the HVAC industry is a good industry to get into. Additionally, current HVAC contractors may be at the job fair accompanying their child, spouse, or friend. This can be a good opportunity for you to get your union name out there and attract both new and currently employed HVAC contractors.
Use Incentives For Current Union Members To Recruit
The final way to recruit for your HVAC contractor union is to offer incentives to your current union members to recruit new members. Current union members are out working in the field each and every day. They may come across skilled HVAC contractors who are not a part of a contractor union yet. This is a great way to network and spread the word about your union, and to get already trained individuals to join your union.
Finding qualified HVAC contractors who want to join your union is not always an easy task. HVAC contractors in your area may already be working with a different union or they may not see the benefits of joining a union. Offering apprenticeship and training programs, conducting your own job fair and using incentives to get current union members to recruit for your union can all be great ways to spread the word about your union and get other people to sign up.