3 Ways to Tell You Have Mold in the House

2 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Unfortunately, many people live in houses where there is mold. They might not even realize the danger of the problem until it has become severe and they need to evacuate the house while the problem is fixed. This is why it is best to detect the problem early and treat it before it becomes serious. Here are some signs that your house has mold and that you need to call for an inspection.

1. You Notice a Mildew or Rancid Smell That You Can't Locate

Every homeowner has had the dreaded feeling of coming into the house only to smell a terrible smell. You might have left out a dirty washcloth, forgotten something in the fridge, or left something the kitchen that is now rotting. If you can locate the smell, you can be confident that it isn't mold, but in many cases the smell lingers, and no matter how often you clean, you cannot fix it. If this is the case for you, you may have mold. Make sure to check under the sink and in places where water is often used. Even if you can't see the mold but do smell mildew, you should call for an inspection.

2. You Have Unexplained Allergies

Another way people know that they have mold in their home is that they have allergies that they can't explain. Mold can give you the same symptoms as seasonal allergies. For example, you may have a runny nose; the inability to take deep, satisfying breathes; frequent sneezing; and watery, itchy eyes. You may notice that the symptoms improve while you are not home. While at work, a friend's house, school, or running errands, your symptoms are gone, so you can determine that the problem is at home. Over time, exposure to mold can be dangerous to your body, which is why you shouldn't ignore these symptoms.

3. You Have Had Recent Flooding in the House

If you have had a recent flood in the house, whether it was a broken sink or furnace, a rainstorm gone awry, or a myriad of other things, you should be checking for mold. The carpet and the pads can easily become molded, and in many cases you won't notice this until the problem is severe and you have to replace everything. Thus, after a flood, talk to a mold inspector about checking for potential problems. This will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

By doing these things, you can protect your home from mold. Contact a company such as Coastal Environmental Compliance LLC to start getting your house clean. 
