Your Checklist For Painting A Commercial Building's Exterior

2 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Commercial exterior painting can sound like a fairly simple project. There are many ways that a poorly planned or executed job can go wrong, however. A commercial exterior painter will encourage you to follow this checklist.


The first thing you want to do is inspect the surfaces that are due for painting. You don't want to paint over damaged materials that might fall out and undermine the quality of the results. Pressure washing the surface is a good idea. Scrape any peeling paint and grime that didn't come off during washing. If you see rough edges, those may require sanding.

You should also check for cracks, crumbling materials, and other repairable defects. If anything needs work, hire appropriate contractors to fix the surface before you proceed with painting.


You will also want to be sure that you're asking the commercial exterior painter to use the right products and colors. Verify that the type and quality of the paint for the job are right for the materials. If your business has to maintain brand standards, check that the paint color codes for the project correspond with the codes for the brand's colors.


Many municipalities require permits for commercial exterior painting projects. Contact the code compliance office for your location's municipality. Describe the nature of the project so they can provide the best possible answer about what the permitting requirements are. Confirm how long a permit will be necessary to avoid potential overruns or other timing issues.

If you're leasing a building, you should also make sure that your project will comply with its terms. Contact the leasing party if you wish to do work that might not comply with the lease. Confirm that everyone with a stake in the project is okay with your plans before proceeding.


Develop a schedule that makes sense for both you and the painting team. Whenever possible, try to find a time that'll minimize nearby people and vehicles so the painters can work.

Safety Planning

Most commercial buildings have at least some nearby foot and vehicle traffic. Ideally, you can shut down traffic near the work area altogether. However, many businesses may need to keep running during the commercial exterior painting process. In those cases, the important thing is to set up signs and barriers to prevent people or vehicles from entering the work zone.

You may also need to protect nearby property. Cover sidewalks, doors, windows, landscaping, and fixtures that are near the painting area.

For more info about commercial exterior painting, contact a local professional. 
